
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Rise & Shine - Baked eggs with spinach

I love eggs. I especially love them soft boiled, and served in an egg cup. That's a very German way of doing things, and that's how my mother...and her mother...and... well, it's just a very traditional breakfast. I love the beautiful yellow of egg yolk, cooked perfectly--not too runny, not too hard. I've perfected that, just like my "Mutti" taught me to.

I made a couple of minor tweaks, in my effort to trim down a few calories. I love heavy cream, and there are some recipes where nothing else will do. I won't use margarine-- ever. For me, it's butter, all or nothin'. But, I do buy a shredded Mexican Lite cheese from Trader Joe's that pretty decent. (I store it right next to my quality gruyere, feta and other varietals of cheese.) I love cheese! Where was I? Oh, calories. So, I grabbed some fresh spinach, the Lite shredded cheese and half and half. I also took one little shortcut-- I bought a jar of chopped garlic from Trader Joe's. The ingredients were harmless, so I thought I'd try it. It's a fast shortcut when I'm in a hurry. When it comes to breakfast, I'm in a hurry!

What I liked about this recipe was how fast it came together. While breakfast was baking, I tidied up the kitchen and enjoyed breakfast with a glass of Trader Joe's fresh squeezed OJ. I'm glad that I decided on two eggs per serving. It was just the right amount of breakfast.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you liked it! And thank-you so much for the sweet words! I really love your site here, so it means so much to me!


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