
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Raspberry Bars, adapted from The Pioneer Woman Cooks

This morning, I woke up to rain after a leisurely (and overdue) sleep-in kind of morning.  I had visions of baking the Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Raisin Rolls, unpacking a box of Christmas decorations and making 5 dozen Christmas cookies for a lovely woman who asked me if she could pay me. "No problem!", I tell her. I refuse to accept payment for my time-- just supply me with the ingredients and it's a slam dunk.

But things went very wrong. The cookie recipe I've always used was nowhere to be found. It's in my former cookbook software, so I googled "Nanaimo Bars". I haven't made these in years, but they're very simple. Things slid downhill from there-- the recipe I found was so wrong. Don't even get me started! Suffice it to say, that I tossed out that version, and started winging it. In the end, they turned out delicious and I will post them. Just let my nerves settle a bit-- after making a huge batch of butter cream filling and melting oodles of chocolate, I don't want to taste chocolate or sugar for a very long time!

As a sneak preview, the Bird's Custard powder exploded all over me and the kitchen counter. The Dutch Cocoa... what a nightmare it is to work with!  The bars are three layers of graham cracker crumbs, chopped walnuts, butter and more butter, butter cream frosting and a layer of melted chocolate. I didn't add coconut to the bottom layer, which is more authentic. Insulin, anyone? These are Nainamo bars, and they are fantastic. Y

I found a version of this recipe on  The Pioneer Woman Cooks food blog, as Apricot Bars.
These are super easy to make, by the wayhese would be super easy for me to post. I had just made a batch of my own raspberry jam, so this was a perfect easy cookie recipe.

This is super fast to make (thank goodness) and you probably have these ingredients on hand-- flour, baking powder, salt, oats (regular, not quick cooking), brown sugar and butter... I just pulse everything, except for the oats. Those, I stir in to the rest of the ingredients...

With my hands, I combine everything and then pat half of the mixture into an 8x8 baking dish. I like to line mine with an aluminum foil "sling". That way, I can just lift the whole big "cookie" out of the dish...

I added a jar of raspberry jam, but apricot would be quite good, too! Then I added the rest of the mixture on top...
  I baked this for about 30 minutes at the usual 350F. It smells so good!

I let this cool for a little bit, and then cut them into squares. I got 20 squares, because I kinda cut them a little big.

Now, I'm not sure why Ree would categorize this recipe under "Breakfast & Brunches", because I think these are more of a snack or dessert. But, who am I to argue with one of the most popular food bloggers of the Year?

Maybe because there's oatmeal in there... and we put raspberry on toast, don't we? After the day that I've had, this recipe turned out to be my saving grace.

My family loved these. They disappeared in no time, flat. These are fast, easy and go great with a cup of coffee. Maybe that's why Ree ranks them as a breakfast or brunch!

To view the recipe, you need to JUMP to my blog, if you're reading this via email.  By the way-- I still don't have any house decorations up nor my Christmas tree. There's always tomorrow!

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  1. These bars look delicious no matter what time you eat them. ;-) The Nanaimo bars too.

  2. Popping in at 1am because hubs is snoring like a Rhinoceros in labor...

    Ree said these were a brunch dish? She is my kind of chick. All this sucker is missing is booze.

    Definitely dessert material--they look great.

    I giggled at your post because I will never forget opening a hermetically sealed container of cocoa powder and having it explode like a big brown mushroom cloud. Good times.

  3. The raspberry bars look so delicious with all that lovely texture!
    I'm sorry about the nanaimo bars. It can be so frustrating when we want to bake something and it refuses to cooperate. I think it's alright to yell at inanimate objects. :>

  4. Yum...I love raspberry bars and falling back on something tried and true is just what we are made of! Nanaimo bars....not even my favorite and yet I am called upon to make them time and time again. Just that the store bought ones are so waxy aren't they! Anyway...these raspberry bars look terrific and I am sorely tempted to make them just to use up that jam. Speaking of which...making a fresh batch today from my frozen blackberries for Christmas giving. Last year was a bumper crop of wild blackberries....oooohhhhh....lets hope my jam turns out today! Sigh. Grin! Happy Sunday!

  5. Debby, these raspberry bars look marvelous! I may be one of the few that does not like the tart taste of raspberry, but possibly substituting figs or strawberries I can capture the wonderful texture and spirit of this greatl bar recipe. I'll give it a try and let you know. Thanks...

  6. I'd have no problem eating these for breakfast :-)

    Dang, I missed the deadline again! there's never enough time!

  7. These look so wonderful- so glad I have some jam to use as well. Delicious!

  8. I could definitely eat one of those raspberry bars for breakfast! Anything with fruit qualifies as breakfast, right ;D

  9. Debby I just loved the bars. I have been thinking of making cinnamon rolls from a long time. But out of my laziness was not making them. Your raspberry bars made me yearning. I will definitely make them now. Delicious bars!!

  10. Sorry about your stressful day! I am glad to hear though that it ended on a delicious and raspberry filled note.

  11. Your blog is a real feast for the eyes ,as the title says :-)Love to munch on these bars. You got the perfect texture and am sure they must be delicious too :D

  12. Those look great, I have some home made strawberry jam! p.s. Nanimo Bars are my favorite!

  13. Looks like dessert to me! And a super one, too. Be a great snack as well!
    I need something not quite so sweet for breakfast. I think I have a recipe someplace similar to this but it uses a yeast dough base which definitely makes that it for breakfast or brunch.

  14. I have to admit, I was skeptical when I saw these as a breakfast/brunch recipe as well. But if you want to have raspberry jam heaven for breakfast - I don't see why I should argue with you. Looks delicious.

  15. These bars looking yummy. I love to have delicious food. Your blog is all about recipes. I will follow ur blog regularly.


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