
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sweet Potato & Herbed Caramelized Frittata & The Loss of an old friend

I'm such a visual person. Truly, I am.  For example, I had a meltdown today.  I lost an old friend. My camera died.  The new batteries and charger didn't revive it.  My inexpensive Fuji Fine Pix camera gasped it's last breath and I felt very sad.  I had plans to make a spectacular (in my mind) new dish, but I put the ingredients away.  I wanted to photograph how I made it!  I've spent two years building a habit of photographing just about everything I make-- at least, dishes I've made for the first time.  Are you feeling me?  My husband isn't. Especially when he saw me headed off to the mall to buy the camera that has been on my radar for at least a year.  It's a financial splurge, for sure.  I tried to justify the expense by telling him this is my early Christmas present for the next two years.  I  am now the proud (and very happy) owner of a Canon EOS Rebel T1i Camera!!  The timing is perfect (and a total coincidence, I told my husband).  You see, I am headed to San Francisco this Friday for two glorious nights and three wonderful days to attend the Foodbuzz Festival 2010.    So, it's a good thing that I photographed this frittata yesterday morning.  It's the last photo that my old camera took for me.  I was inspired to make this dish, when someone (thanks "Margo") posted this recipe-- which goes back to my being visual.  After reading that particular recipe, I decided to do my own version and change things up quite a bit. Therefore, I will claim this particular dish as my own creation.  The first step was to peel and slice 2 small sweet potatoes.

I added a little bit of water and covered the bowl with plastic wrap. I microwaved these for about 3 minutes.  In the meantime, I sliced on half of a large onion and began to caramelize them with a little bit of olive oil.

I cut some fresh thyme, from my garden and I went to cut some fresh sage.  Only, my beloved sage bush had died. It was shriveled up!  Wailing (well, that's a little melodramatic), I used dried sage, instead.

The onions cooked for about 10 minutes (for a very light caramel color), and then I seasoned them with coarse salt & freshly cracked pepper.

I removed the cooked onion from the skillet, and set them aside.

I added a little more olive oil and a pat of unsalted butter, then layered the sweet potatoes evenly. By the way, I believe these are technically yams. But I'll call them sweet potatoes for familiarity.

I flipped them over after 2 minutes, or so, when they were nice and golden.  While they were cooking, I cracked 8 eggs and added 2% milk and whisked them really well.  

There isn't a picture of this, is there? 

I took a few. So, you see, my camera was beginning to do weird stuff. It never uploaded, I tell you!But y'all know what a bowl of whisked eggs looks like, right?  Season them with salt & pepper.  You can add a handful of grated Parmesan, but I had something else in mind..

I buy this wonderful cheese blend at Trader Joe's.  If you don't have one nearby, use a cheese blend of your choice.  This blend has Fontina, Asiago, Parmesan and Mild Provolone. 

 The onion is layered on top...
...and the egg custard is poured evenly on top.

...and the skillet is placed into a 375F oven for 15 minutes.

...or until set.  The eggs shouldn't be jiggly.
I guess you could call this a "crustless quiche".

You can leave out the cheese.  Otherwise, put a layer of cheese on top and set the rack high and turn on your broiler...

Broil for about one minute, or until nice and bubbly... that!  Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes, before cutting.

I took some nice shots of the skillet, showing the layers. Only, my camera didn't upload them.

But, take my word for it  This was delicious.
VERDICT:  My son hates sweet potatoes. Seriously, each year he eats one bite of my sweet potato casserole and shakes his head.  He took a bite of this and swallowed it With wonder in his voice, he asked if these were sweet potatoes (well, yams).  When I nodded, he raised his eyebrows. Then, he polished off his piece and went back for seconds.    Me?  I quickly wrote down the recipe so I could share it with you, and make it again

If I don't have time in my busy work week to post another recipe, I'm sure you'll be hearing from me as I meet 350 fellow food bloggers, this weekend. San Francisco has a very special place in my heart. It's where I studied Esthetics and got my cosmetician license. It's also a stone's throw from where my BFF lives.  After two years of emailing and occasionally calling Monica, of Lick the Bowl Good-- we are going to meet face-to-face for the first time. We're also going to be partners-in-crime roommates.

In a way, I thank my old camera for picking this weekend to kick the bucket.  I'll be attending a photography seminar, and I can take my new Canon on it's maiden voyage.  Who knows? Maybe I'll see a Victory Parade in downtown San Francisco if when the Giants win the World Series!

A printable recipes is a the bottom of this post.


Sweet Potato & Caramelized Onion Frittata

        <p>I tend to think of Frittatas as a crustless quiche.  This breakfast/brunch dish is a flavorful way to use up vegetables or just about any leftovers in your fridge.<br />I created this Frittata as a way to satisfy my craving for sweet potatoes ...    

        See Sweet Potato & Caramelized Onion Frittata on Key Ingredient.    



  1. I hope you and Monica have a BLAST!! How terrific for you both! Can't wait to hear all about it!

    I love the way you used the sweet potatoes here!

  2. Wow, the Foodbuzz Festival sounds like such fun and you are going! Great. Have fun and be sure to tell all when you return.

    Of course you couldn't go without a camera. I know just how you feel about missing an old friend. There's so much to learn with a new camera.

    Love frittatas. Yours is gorgeous with the sweet potatoes and very healthy too.

  3. This may sound odd but if only I could be so lucky that my camera would "bite the dust" and I could head off to the store for a new one just in time for the festival. I look forward to meeting you there!!!!

  4. You should rename your blog "The Weekend Cook".
    My sage plant is almost dead, it's 38F today, so I can kiss it goodbye.

    I wish my camera would die already, so I would be forced to upgrade!!!!!

  5. Congrats on your new camera! And this recipe is over the top!!! I'm thinking we need this for breakfast one morning this week. Love it! Excellent post, my Giants fan friend! ;)

  6. Debby - Have a wonderful time in San Francisco. Sorry to hear about your old camera, but it sounds like you will be very happy with your new one. I never thought of mixing sweet potatoes with eggs, but it does look delicious!

  7. Gosh, I think my camera might not be feeling so well....oops did it just jump off of the counter? I checked out the website on your new camera, it's a beauty and I can't wait to see the new photos!! The fritata looks delish!

  8. I followed you over from your comment on The Church Cook's post, and oh man, you have a gorgeous blog! Great looking recipe, and awesome pictures.

  9. ooo very spiffy camera! I'm actually planning on asking for a Rebel for Christmas and you have made me even more excited to do so! (If that was possible!) Have fun at Foodbuzz. Man I love these sweet potatoes in this frittata! Good stuff.

  10. Oh, I'm so sorry that your camera passed away! I'm sure you will have a budding relationship with your Canon in no time...I'm waiting for my Canon Poweshot to die, but it keeps plugging away for the past five years!

    P.S. I've been eyeballing the Rebel, too and it looks great! I'm also hearing that a 50mm1.8 lens is the one to use for macro food shots, ~$99. Have fun!

  11. I can see that you are passed the mourning of your past camera. You are now rocking with something new, shiny and better. Awesome.

    Enjoy the Food Buzz event. You are going to have a great time.

  12. Oh, gosh, Debby--I'm just now catching up on my blogs. I knew from FB that you bought a new camera, but I didn't realize that your "old" one had died.

    Hope you have a fantastic time this weekend. I'm sure you will.

  13. Sweet potato makes me wanna mmm. . lol I love the way you used the potato, so inviting. Great photos, like the color of it. Another yummy treat=)

  14. sorry your camera went on the fritz..but congrats too!
    I love all the cheese on this frittata!

  15. Ilove sweet potatoes and will eat them anyway I can get them. The hubs? Not so much. If I make them, he'll eat them but he doesn't love them. He does like them bake with cinnamon and brown sugar though.

    I like to eat them in a hash with sausage and runny eggs on top= so good!. I know he wouldn't eat this frittata so I'll just drool over your pics.

    Can't wait to see you this weekend! Less than 2 days away!

  16. Fabulous Frittata! I thought that your old camera took incredible pics, so I can't wait to see the ones with the new one. Have fun at the festival!

  17. You made me hungry for sweet potatoes... I wonder if I'll be able to find them here in Switzerland. Have fun in SF!

  18. I look forward to trying this one! Have a GREAT time in one of my all-time fave cities!

  19. Frittatas are so wonderful to make, eat and simply to look at! Love Joe's quattro formaggio blend!

  20. such a lovely recipe. .these is sure to warm you to the soul!Great photos.

  21. Two of my favorite things, Yams and Fritatta's. I want to make this! Definitely adding to my "To make" List!


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