
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Foodbuzz Blogger Festival 2010 in San Francisco

Three days of non-stop noshing with 350 Food Bloggers from all over the country-- and a few from parts of the world-- has come to a close.  I'm sitting in my room at the Sir Francis Drake, hoping that the rain will stop long enough to stroll down to Union Square to visit my favorite Williams Sonoma store.  Here are just a few of the goodies that was presented to me when I arrived on Friday afternoon. I don't have time to edit or organize the 300 plus photos, but here are a few shots to give you a taste of a fabulous weekend, sponsored by Foodbuzz.

 San Francisco Dungeness Crab was our pre-dinner snack for Friday night...

 My blogger buddy and roommate, Monica (Lick the Bowl Good)checked in to the Sir Francis Drake Hotel and readied ourselves for the Welcome Dinner.


That evening, we traveled by bus to Fort Mason, for a Street Faire food event. It was almost sunset, and the setting was inside a building with local food purveyors preparing their signature dishes for us to enjoy.

 Mini cupcakes, anyone?

The internet at our hotel is being so slow (undoubtedly 350 foodbloggers are clogging up the bandwidth), so I can't upload the photos of the food.  My particular favorite was a sandiwch of pork loin brined in Jalapeno pickling liquid, crusted in corn meal, beans, onions and coriander aioli with a buttery sesame bun-- served with a side of chicarrones that were fluffy, and melt-in-your-mouth, with a delayed hint of chili powder.  Here's what I had to do, to survive the rest of the night...

We attended the photography workshop...

I am beginning to bond with my new camera...

...and then I ate the evidence. The pumpkin cupcake was my favorite.

I took Monica over the Golden Gate Bridge, feeling grateful that the weather was clear and perfect.

We had a lovely Gala Dinner, hosted by The Cooking Channel.

It's time to check out of our room, and we're headed to the Ferry Building, Union Square and then I'm taking the two hour drive back home to my family.  I've collected quite a few Food Blog cards, and I plan to visit my new friends online.  There'll be more photos and details.


  1. Loved this post - pumpkin cakes... that sounds lovely!

  2. What an amazing weekend you had. I am happy you had such a good time.

  3. I'm so glad to see it looks like you had a wonderful trip! I can't wait to hear all the sordid details :P

  4. I just knew you were going to have a great time Debby. Looking forward for more when you get home and unwind.

    The antacid pills do come in handy. I judged a Chili Cook-off one year and they save my life from heartburn.

  5. Oh Debby! I'm so happy for you. Not only do I love San Francisco, but to be there and eat all that delicious food with friends. Sounds like a dream come true.

  6. *Envy* What fun. Also happy to hear that you and your new camera are getting along well. Your photos are evidence!

  7. What fun! What fun Debbie! I just love thinking of you and Monica (I adore her!) having a lovely weekend together at this conference! Can't wait to see and hear more about all the fun you guys had! :-)

    Happy Monday,
    ~avril :-)

  8. WOW, Debby! How wonderful and fun for you. Can't wait to "hear" and see more.

  9. So jealous! Next year I am going if I can get someone to go with me! I am so glad you had fun

  10. I want to be there. Or wanted to be there. Now I wanted to be there even more. I'd start with those crabs which are largely absent in MN.

  11. It was such a pleasure to meet you Debby. The weather perfect, the lighting, the friendships...all memories in the making.

  12. Debby, It was great meeting you at FoodBuzz! I agree with you that Monica is pretty amazing. It looks like you had a great weekend (I know that I did!). I do wish that I had some of that crab, though. It looks delicious!

  13. Helllooo Debby! It was so nice meeting you! You are such a fun person and sweet person. I had a great time chit chatting with you and Monica. I can't wait to come visit you in CA again, I'm holding you to it! I can't wait to keep reading your blog :)

  14. I had such a wonderful weekend with you and I'm so garteful for your tour of the city. I wouldn't change one thing about this weekend- it wasn't all perfect but it all happened for a reason. And we ate well and met some amazing people, didn't we?

    I'm looking forward to Foodbuzz Fest 2011!

  15. You and Monica were so fortunate to have attended this awesome event. I told hubby that I'm going to go next year, even if I'm by myself without my other blogging pals! Glad you like your new cam! I have the same model that I bought this summer and feel absolutely the same about mine!

  16. such a lovely event. .I shouldn't miss this next time! jealous! lol well Love this post. thanks for sharing your piece of life with us:)

  17. Food paparazzi! Omgosh Debby you crack me up. I didn't even get a chance to come down and help you. I felt so bad we had to leave the room so quickly for the next session.

    The equipment that came was larger than I use for food photography, and I didn't get to share that either.

    Next time, come find me! Are you going next year? Maybe next year I'll just sit back and watch!


  18. ooh I wish I knew your room # Friday night...I could have used a couple of those acid reducers!!
    It was so nice to meet you and I've added your blog to my reader.

  19. Dungeness crab to start? Be still my heart!! I am enjoying being "there" through all the great posts from my blogging friends. Great photo of Monica! Well, all great photos--I've seen a number of good ones of you as well. You all look happily sated!!


  20. I'm glad you guys has such a good time. Wish I could have gone too. :)


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