
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Super Bowl & Valentine's Day Ideas

I've had a crazy month  week-- from being sick with a winter cold to dealing with a broken water heater, a flat tire that needed repair and needing new brakes on my car.  Somehow I managed to twist my body in the wrong way, which required a visit to my chiropractor. On top of that, I did something funky to my ankle, during a water aerobics class, and I'm limping a little bit.   The dust is settling, and I'm on the mend-- and it's all good.   I have some new recipes to post, but -- as you can see-- I have run out of time. Instead, I've decided to post a few recipes that are some of my husband's favorite meals. Maybe I can inspire someone to make a special Valentine's Day dinner for your loved one-- and that includes a spouse, family member or great friend.

Valentine's Day holds a very special place in my heart.  My husband proposed to me on Valentine's Day 2005, after dating for more than a year-- and we were married almost a year later.  Yes, he's a very romantic guy and I am a very lucky woman. Do I hear an "awwwwwwww"?   In truth, I prefer to not go out on Valentine's Day.  I don't particularly care for the hustle and bustle and price-inflated Valentine's special menus.  Instead, I like to make a special dinner for just the two of us-- at home.  There is a catch though-- I collect a rain check for us to enjoy a romantic dinner after February 14th.  You bet! 

Filet of Beef Au Poivre is a dinner I posted about 1 1/2 years ago (my, how time flies).  The Cognac-Cream sauce was easy to make, and so delicious.  So far, this is the dinner I'll most likely prepare since Valentine's Day falls on a week night.  How can anyone go wrong with roasted asparagus served on the side? The cost of making this dinner is a fraction of what we'd pay at a nice restaurant.  The only downside is having to do the cleanup-- but, my husband is always willing to help out. 

Chicken-Fried Steak isn't as fancy a dinner- but I can tell you that my husband loves this deep-fried steak.  The crust (dipped in buttermilk and seasoned flour) has a nice crunch to it, and the gravy is manly meal that pleases him very well, indeed.  Served with creamy mashed potatoes and green beans (rather than broccoli), he would be a very happy husband. 

Last year, I made this Coeur a la Creme dessert for my sweetheart.  We both enjoyed the silky texture of this cream cheese and heavy whipped cream dessert.  These two rich dairy products are whipped together with heavy cream, with the added brightness of lemon zest.  A Raspberry-Chambord Coulis Sauce is very easy to make.  It's such a light dessert and the bright red of the dessert sauce says "Happy Valentine's Day". I'm making this again, since it was a success (and so easy to do).

But, before Valentine's Day, we have our Super Bowl Sunday munchies to think about.  Guacamole is a given, of course.  There are a few recipes that I will be making, so I thought I'd share them with you.

 Shredded Pork Taquitos-- I love these!  I sear and roast a pork butt roast and then cook this in a pressure cooker with a Chili Verde Sauce. I've made my own chili verde sauce, but Trader Joe's sells a great bottled one. Why not take a short-cut.  This can be cooked in a Dutch Oven, nice and slow or in a slow-cooker, too.

I miss our summer tomatoes, so that I can make fresh Pico De Gallo.  However, this easy restaurant-style salsa is very easy to make.  I'll be whipping up a big batch for Super Bowl.  


Restaurant Style Salsa, adapted from The Pioneer Woman

        <p>After making this very easy recipe for salsa, I will never buy this in the jar again!  You can adjust the amount of kick you want, by the amount of jalapeno&#8230;or, you can leave out the jalapeno altogether. This recipe comes from The Pioneer ...     

        See Restaurant Style Salsa, adapted from The Pioneer Woman on Key Ingredient.     

We keep things simple on Super Bowl Sunday.   Of course, I'll make my Chili Con Carne (with pinto beans and ground beef, thank you very much).  I'll do my best to write down measurements and to take photos, since I've never posted the recipe.  

I have a few recipes to share with you in the coming week.   Hopefully, I'll have a much lighter work week ahead.   I think Murphy's Law has hit me enough times, that the coming week should be smoother sailing. I'll be back!

I'm curious-- do you have any special dishes you like to make for either Super Bowl or Valentine's Day?


  1. Hope things start to look up; sounds like you've had your share of downers for the year. Those taquitos really caught my eye.

  2. Having work in restaurants while in college, NYE and Valentine's Day are my 2 least favorite nights to go out to eat-- it's crowded, expensive,rushed and usually a limited menu. Your filet and taquitos recipes look delish!

  3. I'm sorry to hear that you've had a rough January, Debby. Hopefully things will improve! Everything you've shared here looks delicious, but it's the taquitos that are calling my name. Boy oh boy could I go for some of those right now!

  4. I was feeling nostalgic and dragged out my old cookbooks on the weekend including my Silver Palate Cookbooks. I have always wanted to make their Couer la Creme with a touch of goat cheese and a poppy seed dressing.

  5. I prefer to stay home too on Valentine's Day. Restaurants are always crowded and service can be slow. I can't imagine a more delicious way to celebrate the day than by serving filet of beef au poivre. The sauce sounds heavenly.

    Hope you are feeling better, Debby. A rain check is a great idea.

  6. I hope things improve this week for you! We always stay home on Valentines day as well, we know we can make anything a restaurant can make and do it better!

  7. I definitely would prefer to stay in on know...I had someone to cook for! These all sound delicious though and well worth making!

  8. Yes, Debby, you've got a romantic hubby, that's for sure! I like going out AND preparing something at home. We only go out to nice restaurants (ie: expensive and delicious) for special occasions and on our trips, but we always go to our time-tested, tummy-tested eateries.

    Sorry to hear about what you've had to deal with. I, too, pulled something while exercising and haven't gone to the doctor/chiropractor yet for it. Just trying to let it heal on its own. But things like this really slow us down, huh?

    Be well, Roz

  9. Here's to a happy February!

    I'd like to eat a whole plate of those taquitos please. And that coeur de la creme!!! Oh it looks amazing.

    New to your site. Love it here already. Can't wait to poke around some more.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  10. Aww..thanks for sharing your V-day/proposal story. I'm sure you guys will have another wonderful V-day together and still more for years to come.

    All of your dish suggestions sound wonderful. I love that chicken fried steak! I wish the people holding the SB party I'm going to ate pork, because I'd bring those taquitos!

    I hate those overpriced, overhyped specialty dinners too. OTOH, I'm not always up for cooking V-day dinner. SPP and I will often go out somewhere that no one thinks of as "romantic" but someplace we think is fun and tasty.

    Hope all of your ailments and troubles are gone by the time you read this!

  11. Great post! Oh what do you get the man you love for Valentines day?!

  12. I am swooning over your husband's favorites. All of these dishes are amazing.

    I agree with you. I prefer to stay home and enjoy a special meal on Valentine's Day.

    Glad you are on the up and up-February will be a better month for you.


  13. I've wanted to make that Coeur a la Creme since you posted it last. Just looks and sounds so good. I don't have a proper mold but I read somewhere that you could use a berry colander in it's place- and I just happen to have one :-)

    Those tacquitos look so good too. Haven't have much of an appetite lately but I want those!

  14. Hope you're feeling better. We just found your blog and love your recipes and photos. That filet looks especially wonderful!


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