
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Crispy Fish Tacos

I am digging deep into my unpublished recipe archives.  As hard as I try, I find myself unable to post recipes as often as I'd like to.  Believe me, food blogging is my creative outlet... it's my hobby and joy to photograph food.  I still enjoy reading cookbooks, and challenging myself to try new recipes.  Sadly, my new job has robbed me of the time it takes for me post a recipe.  I admit, that I am a perfectionist.  I want my food photos to look nicely plated.   I've had a little talk with myself, and I've realized that I should just post the half dozen (or more) recipes I haven't posted, because I was not happy with this final photo. You can't really see the crunchy fish, and that's a shame. 

I have a theory, and I'll share it with you.  Sometimes, by the time I photograph each step, and complete the recipe--  I'm really hungry! I can sense my husband anxiously waiting for his dinner to set at his place setting, while he's hungrily watched me take photos.  So, I rush the shot and there you have it... I hesitate to post the photos.  'Nuff said.  Onward and upward with the recipe:

I have made these fish tacos several times.  The recipe comes from Food Network's Tyler Florence, and I've made only a couple of changes from his original.

 Tyler uses Mahi-Mahi, but I use Cod.

I love the crunchiness of the panko crumbs and the Pink Chipotle sauce.  Yes, they're deep-fried, but once in a while... why not?

I keep canned Chipotle peppers in Adobo sauce in my pantry.  If you've never used these in our recipes, be aware-- they pack a LOT of heat!  Chipotles are smoked jalapenos.  I buy these small containers at a local restaurant supply, because they cost just a few dollars for a large package.  I portion each one and freeze them.  That way, I'm not stuck with an open can of leftover chipotles.   Please trust me, when I saw these are HOT!  I use only one, instead of Tyler's three.  By the way, anytime I use tomato paste, I freeze the rest in 1 Tablespoon increments and freeze it, too.

The pink chili mayonnaise is a blend of sour cream (I used lite), mayonnaise, fresh lime juice and chipotles with adobo sauce.  Whir this in a blender and set aside.

Set up a blending station of flour, eggs & water, and Japanese panko crumbs. Cut the fish into 1-ounce strips and dip them into the flour, whisked eggs and then the panko crumbs. Set aside.

Once all the fish is breaded deep-fry in small batches in (375 degrees F) oil.

 Drain on paper towels and season with salt. Keep warm until ready to serve.

I like to grate Cotija cheese and I used regular shredded cabbage (while Tyler recommends Napa cabbage).  Heat a corn tortilla (on direct heat, or I use a cast iron skillet) I have lime wedges cut and I'm ready to assemble...

...drizzle some Pink Chili Mayonnaise (mine looks thin, because I used lite sour cream)
...squeeze some lime juice, add some cotija cheese and cabbage.

...take a bite.  Crunch.

TASTING NOTES:  I don't recommend buying those cardboard hard pre-formed tacos. I love the softness of a fresh corn tortilla.  The chipotle-sauce is the perfect touch, with it's creaminess and heat.  There is a mango-radish that Tyler makes in this recipe, but I never have ripe mangos on hand. Someday, I'll try that.  If you want the salsa recipe, click here.

My adapted recipe card is at the very bottom of this post.  Well, dear friends-- it's Sunday night.  I cooked a lot of Mexican food.  Let's hope that I can carve out some free-time to edit the photos I've taken and to write the recipes for you.   I miss my blogger friends!  I'll eventually catch up and share what I've been recipe at a time.  If I haven't visited your blog as of late, or I've not responded to your comments or emails-- please forgive me.  I don't mean to be rude. Honest!



Crunchy Fish Tacos

        <p>This recipe is adapted from Tyler&#8217;s Florence&#8217;s Ultimate Fish Taco recipe.  I&#8217;ve made a few changes, that are very minor.  I use cod, and roll these with egg, and panko crumbs.  While these are deep-fried, and blotted well with paper ...    

        See Crunchy Fish Tacos on Key Ingredient.    



  1. As soon as you said "fish tacos" I was intrigued. I love the crispy breading on these! Super delicious.

  2. These looks quite delicious and even though you are not happy with the photograph, I think it turned out fabulous. You can see a bit of the crispy fish peeking out and that is just enough to grab your interest. Now I am craving a bite!

  3. ok, u made me hungry!. off to the store to buy these ingredients!.

  4. The original fish tacos that we know an love were made with deep fried fish so these are true to their roots. Topped with some fresh veggies and I am ready to dih in.

  5. Crispy always gets my attention. Lovely tacos.

    I keep my chilis in adobo in a glass jar in the refrigerator and they last forever. I just learned from Chris at Nibble Me This that you can cut them open and take the seeds out if you want a smoky flavor without the heat. Blogging is such fun and I've learned so much from my friends.

  6. Perfection, Debby! Fish tacos are my favorite and your version is just the way I like them. I've learned to be careful with the chipotle sauce too. I have to admit that I occasionally like those crunchy shells. What can I say?

  7. I'd never tried fish tacos until a couple of years ago and I thought the two restaurant versions I had were just ok. Then we made some at home and I thought they were delicious, so I'm now a fan and yours look outstanding.

  8. Just the sight of those deep fried little goodies made my mouth water. I'm with you--once in a while, why not?

  9. Debby, don't be so hard on yourself. I love your blog but don't want you to stress about it. Post when you can. We're here for you.

  10. I've been eating sweets all morning and now I would give anything to have this for lunch!! YUM

  11. You're too hard on yourself. The photos (and the tacos) are really enticing. I'm having a yen for some.

  12. To be honest, if you didn't post as many photos, it wouldn't take so long to download the pages on your blog! Your pictures look great though.

  13. Dear Anonymous--
    It is my nature to "teach". I teach cooking classes and I am a very visual person. That's why I show step-by-step how to make each recipe. I'm sorry if my photos slow down your download, though I don't find that is true whenever I access my blog from different computers. If it's your first time, then yes...your cookies might be taking a while for my blog to load.
    PS: I appreciate your honesty, but why not publish who you really are? Just sayin'.

  14. Wow, I just found your blog from an old 2008 comment on Eating Etc. on Golden Corral yeast rolls. What a wonderful find! Your blog is delicious!

  15. Oh my gawd that looks ridiculously good. I made fish tacos once and never again. p.s. I finally decided the same thing, I am not going to worry about my photos, just post em up! Yours are much better than mine ever thought of tho!

  16. I love all kinds of fish tacos... and if they are crispy I love them even more! Thanks for yet another great recipe Debbie!

  17. I think I can almost taste these - your post is so nice and I'm thinking I should try these. We haven't found fish tacos we like as well as some from a little roadside stand in Baja! My sweetheart does not care for chipotle - any thoughts what I should substitute?

  18. I have a deep fryer that holds the temperature really well - nothing comes out greasy at all - and I prefer corn/flour tortillas over the store bought crunchy ones - so much more flavor!

  19. just want u to know they turned out good!. i don't use a deep fryer and they came out great... i steamed blue corn tortillas- very yummy!

  20. Can't wait to try fish tacos this's on my list, and I like that you used crispy cod!
    I posted crusted cod today, and would love them wrapped in a tortilla!

  21. P.S.
    Pet Peeve #5 from my post last week:

    Anonymous RUDE commenters who have something to say, but never sign their name. "Just sayin'".
    Go Deb!

  22. I love crispy fish tacos but since I'm not a huge fan of cabbage I like mine with lettuce and tomato.

    I also make crispy fish using panko and tilapia, but I bake it. Delicious. Maybe I'll share that recipe sometime...again, I'm like you and haven't because I didn't like the photos. ha ha!

  23. I'm not sure how I missed this post but somehow I did! Glad I stumbled upon it :) Ever since I visited Florida this past summer I fell in love with fish tacos! So delicious and summery. I bet corn tortillas are a lot better where you are. I feel like they are always kind of chewy when I buy them here. I bet they would be amazing homemade! Anyway, great post Debby :)

  24. I'm a fan of fish tacos, and these sound delicious! My mom always used cabbage as the lettuce growing up and I still prefer the cabbage over the lettuce. Great post.

  25. I completely understand the struggle for time to blog with a demanding job, Debby. But you do a fabulous job! I've never had fried fish tacos, only grilled, and I am sure they are outrageously good! Fish tacos are the newest fave in my life ever since my daughter made them for us! I'll keep your recipe!


Thank you for visiting my blog kitchen and I read and appreciate every single comment. **SPAM COMMENTS ARE OUT OF CONTROL AGAIN, SO I HAVE TO TURN ON COMMENT MODERATION, SORRY!** The only time I will delete a comment, if it is rude and left as "anonymous"-- or if it self-promoting with a link to your website/blog. If you had a problem with a recipe, or have a negative comment, please email me and I will respond to you-- and I don't bite! I am always available at