
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Orange Sweet Rolls with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting

Wow! Thanksgiving whizzed right by me, like a speed train. I saw it coming, and then, it was gone! Christmas is barreling down the tracks, full speed ahead. I need to get serious about making cookie dough, and planning our Christmas Eve dinner. In the meantime, I've been obsessing about making these Orange Sweet Rolls, ever since I spotted them on "Mel's Kitchen Cafe".

During the holidays, I enjoy baking Cinnamon Rolls or Sweet Potato Cinnamon Rolls on a chilly wintery day.   The idea of making sweet rolls with a buttery orange filling was too much for me to resist.  I made the dough, per Mel's recipe, using my Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer.

I added one of my favorite ingredients to the dough recipe-- King Arthur Flour's Buttery Sweet Dough Emulsion (that I buy online).  This ingredient adds that buttery, citrusy, vanilla bakery flavor that never fails me. This dough uses buttermilk, melted butter, sugar and eggs.  I used SAF Instant Yeast, which is mixed in with the dry ingredients. I only use King Arthur Unbleached Flour, and for this recipe I used their unbleached bread flour. The dough mixed easily, and I let the stand mixer knead it for ten minutes. Placing the dough into a greased bucket, I closed the lid and then placed it into my oven.  I find that turning my oven to WARM for two minutes, then shutting it off (while the dough is kneading), makes a warm and cozy place that speeds up the process of proofing the dough-- like in half the time!

In the meantime, I softened butter and whisked in sugar, orange zest and freshly squeezed orange juice. I wanted to increase the orange flavor, so I added this Pure Orange Oil (which tastes much better than orange extract).

One taste, and I was really pleased with how much orange flavor was in this buttery filling.

Instead of 1-1/2 hours of waiting time, the dough had truly doubled in 45 minutes!  See? My little oven warmer trick has never failed me.  I rolled the dough out to be approximately a 12x16 rectangle.  (I have a plastic mat that I use, which I lightly flour. )  I began to spread the orange butter filling...

...leaving about a one-inch boarder.  In retrospect, the butter filling was very soft.

Grabbing the longer side of the rectangle, I began to roll the dough.  That's when I realized that perhaps I should have briefly chilled the butter-- just enough so that it would spread, but not spread so much!  You'll see what I mean, in a moment.  I pinched the seams, despite the butter being so soft and spreading everywhere!

One of my favorite little tricks is to grab a long piece of dental floss-- unused, of course, and unscented. I find that I can make good, clean slices of the rolled dough, even better than using a serrated knife.

Like that!

See what I mean about "oozing" butter?  Also, please note how crammed together I placed each slice into a 9" cake pan, that I coated with non-stick spray and then placed a round of parchment paper.  This wasn't the ideal situation, and that explanation is coming up next.

I had three leftover slices, which I gently pulled and twisted (per Mel's suggestion).  I covered both pans with plastic wrap, sprayed with non-stick spray and then placed the dough back into my cozy oven environment, and they rose in about 25 minutes. I removed them, and preheated the oven to 350F.

In 20 minutes, those rolls were baked golden and had risen well above the baking pan and they were tall and HUGE! Wow!  That's when frosting becomes a baker's best friend.  I took a detour from Mel's glaze, and made a cream cheese frosting instead.  I removed the rolls from the cake pan, and slathered the cream cheese frosting that I flavored with some of the reserved orange zest, some fresh orange juice and more of the Orange Oil.

 Frosted sweet rolls are so much fun to photograph.  How tempting does this look?

I tore off the first "Godzilla" sized sweet roll, and I admired how soft and tender the bread turned out to be.  The three hour wait was killing me, and I dug in.

TASTING NOTES:  While I love cinnamon rolls, I think this is my new favorite version.  The bread was billowy and super tender.  The flavor of orange really came through, and I think the pure orange oil was a great additive, and the Buttery Sweet Dough flavor emulsion gave the bread a lot of added flavor.  Though the butter ended up melting and spreading all over the rolls, this was not a bad thing.  The frosting--  incredible!  I see no reason why the rolls can't be made the night before, then allowed to proof the next morning (which might take a little extra time).  

I've got some holiday side dishes that I'm hoping to photograph and share before Christmas, and I do plan to make some peppermint themed recipes for the holidays.  However, I think that orange has it's rightful place this time of year, since they are in season.    If you make these, you'll be a bakery hero.  I know I'll make these again, though not in the immediate future.  These are definitely not Weight Watcher's friendly, but they are a great treat for sure.

As always, a printable recipe is at the bottom of this post.


  1. Oooh, look at all that lovely orange zest in the dough Debby. With the cream cheese icing I am now adding this recipe to my bucket list as well.

  2. They look and sound delicious Debbie and I am passing this on to the sweet roll baker.

  3. Seeing these of FB often has been driving me crazy! They sound so delicious!!

  4. Oh Yes! I cannot wait to make a batch. Lacking two or three important ingredients, they will have to wait until the New Years Day feast. Ha! With Foodie Wife Debby on duty, I no longer have to plan most meals and treats; whether a savory main course or a sweet treat, the right idea just pops into my mailbox when I most need it. Thanks! Of note: I've used orange (and similar) extracts before, but always found them a bit bitter. If I can find it, Orange Oil will find a place in my drawer of special items. Thanks and Happy Holidays,
    -Craig (the one from Cedarglen)
    P.S. I now have varying amounts of THREE of your slow or pressure cooked mains in my freezers and I enjoy them - a lot. -C.

  5. I love having a fun breakfast to wake up to on holiday mornings, and these fit the bill!

  6. Should I say this? I don't want to get into a cat fight here, and certainly not limit Debby's tiny commissions, but for essential ingredients like the Orange Oil, SHOP the Web a little. I ordered mine via 3-flavor kit (one Oz. bottles) from KAF, a buck less than Amazon. Others offer 5 Oz. bottles for even better prices, if you need the volume. Effective shopping is always a chore and there are always compromises; everyone's need are different. As an example, KAF asks waaay too much for some products, but when combined with others, some specials can be worth the higher price on one or two. Shipping is always a costly detail, but specials and discounts happen. Amazon's prices tend to be higher than most others, but (IMHO) their service is nearly flawless and their shipping options are broad. If one is a PRIME member - for other reasons, shipping charges go away. I guess the take-home here is to remind folks to shop with care, know what you are buying and from whom you are buying the item. There are always compromises and only you know what choices are best - for you.
    I cannot wait to make these Orange Rolls, but I'm missing a few essentials. The Orange Oil that I ordered from KAF was over priced, but also includes Lemon and Lime - and I have some ideas for them as well. I paid the extra at KAF, but also ordered several other items and saved a bundle on shipping. In the end, it was the best choice, For Me. This time.
    I'll say again: I love this website and Foodie Wife Debby always keeps me busy with new ideas and projects to explore. Is this my favorite foodie site? Ah, YES. Easily. And don't forget Debby's searchable archives. Hundreds of ideas and world-class pictures of her creations. Thank you, Debby!!
    -Craig (of Cedarglen)

  7. No catfight here, Cedar Glen. I shop at both KAF and Amazon. I am a prime member with Amazon, so the free shipping is always a good incentive. However, if you buy $35.00 with Amazon, you can get free shipping (most times) but not necessarily 2-day shipping. I am a member of the KAF Baker's Club, where I get free shipping on $25.00 or more and $10.00 Baker Bucks on a purchase of $60.00 or more. Sometimes KAF is cheaper than Amazon, sometimes vice versa. Either way, the customer service from either business has always been excellent. I know you mean well!

  8. Hi Debby, and thanks. We do have to be careful. I hope you saw my note about, some interesting products. Finally, with all ingredemnts at hand, the first batch of your Orange Sweet rolls got made on the 19th. Great and great fun to use so many variations on the citrus that I enjoy. Another batch (double this time) this morning, most for sharing with friends. My contribution to Christmas and New Year celebrations: Debby's Orange Sweet Rolls. Why? Easy to make, not horribly expensive (let's don't talk about the pantry) and they get rave reviews from both baking and eating friend. Thank you and Merry Christmas,
    (of Cedarglen)


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