
Saturday, December 13, 2014

White Chocolate Cherry Shortbread

I originally published this recipe in 2008, when I first started this food blog. The photos were awful, which explains why I had only one comment (and that only my friends and family were reading my blog, at that time) I make these Christmas cookies every year, so it was time for new photos!

I love shortbread, anything that has almond flavor and maraschino cherries. So, when I found this recipe I knew I had to try it. I know... I've heard the Red Dye scare about maraschino cherries, but I don't care! I doubt I eat these often enough to risk the "danger"! These bright red cherries bring back childhood memories of Shirley Temples when my mother would take me out to dinner. My son loves them, too. So, when I tasted the dough to this recipe, I knew I had a winner. I saw this recipe in Fine Cooking, on several food blogs and Better Homes and Garden Magazine-- so I decided to make them.

I ended up making the dough, rolling it into a log and then slicing them 2 days later-- now that I am on vacation. They are really good and I think that they would be fun to make for Valentine's Day. My son keeps trying to swipe them, so I need to hurry up and wrap them as party favors for our Christmas Eve Dinner guests.

This weekend, I hope to make cookie dough for some Christmas baking. I hope your holiday plans are going great!

Here's the recipe:


  1. I've had these, they are awesome!

  2. Mmm those look lovely! I just love cherry-flavored desserts :)

  3. Perfect excuse for me to buy a jar of those cherries! What cute cookies!


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